It has been rearranged to remove the confusion, you need to read through READ.TXT, I hope you enjoy it.
Link to download profile files:
1- Download the file
2- Extract the files from the downloaded ZIP file.
3- Copy the unzipped files (except READ.txt, but that may be included, no problem) to the FAT32 USB stick.
4- Connect the USB stick to the TV, open the service menu with Menu+4+7+2+5, highlight "UsbOperations" and press OK on the remote control.
Yes, you have now received the profiles, there are 3 of them (langprofile, hwprofile and swprofile). but you will only use the SW profile (don't forget to make a backup first).
Open the downloaded profile with the toolbox and run your modding processes and have fun with it :)
I said ... but please don't open all the options,
otherwise your TV will break (it's the modern version, the original means "collapsed")
If you don't have a profile name for your TV in the folder, delete the name of the one after the ., write your own TV card instead and save it:
Assuming your TV card is mb230 but it is not in the text files, rename the mb90 part of the text DownloadProfile.mb90, write mb230 instead and save it.
DownloadProfile.mb230 becomes :ok
The best software for this task is Tommy's "Toolbox" software, open the Swprofile file, load the profile:
Toolbox download link:
Follow the numbers below with those in the photo:
Locate A-CommonVolControl
1- Open the folder below by pressing the + next to it.
2- Click on the folder, its contents will be uploaded.
3- "FALSE" is displayed there, click on it twice
4- Select "TRUE" in the mini window that opens.
5-Save and exit
6-Before you exit completely, click on "Floppy" and save the profile, then exit

You have done the second thing you need to do. Now it is time to upload the profile we changed to the TV.
1- First reformat the 2-4 MB USB 2.0 memory in FAT32 type (Should you pay attention, back up your original profile data before ).
2-Create a folder called Profile on the PC and paste the modified swprofile into this folder.
3-Place the folder named Profile in the TV's USB memory.
4-When the media player screen appears with the USB plugged in, exit this screen with the "Back" or "Back" button on the remote control, do not exit with the Exit button, because
you will also remove the USB stick, it will not be installed if you exit with "exit" :)
5-Open the service menu with Menu+4+7+2+5, highlight "UsbOperations" and press the OK button on the remote control, it will load on the TV in 1 second,
First switch off the TV via the remote control, remove the USB, switch it on again via the remote control, check if the sound is still coming from the TV, this time unplug the TV and plug it in again
You have done the second thing you need to do. Now it is time to upload the profile we changed to the TV. 1- First reformat the 2-4 MB USB 2.0 memory in FAT32 type (Should you pay attention, back up your original profile data before ). 2-Create a folder called Profile on the PC and paste the modified swprofile into this folder. 3-Place the folder named Profile in the TV's USB memory. 4-When the media player screen appears with the USB plugged in, exit this screen with the "Back" or "Back" button on the remote control, do not exit with the Exit button, because you will also remove the USB stick, it will not be installed if you exit with "exit" :) 5-Open the service menu with Menu+4+7+2+5, highlight "UsbOperations" and press the OK button on the remote control, it will load on the TV in 1 second, First switch off the TV via the remote control, remove the USB, switch it on again via the remote control, check if the sound is still coming from the TV, this time unplug the TV and plug it in again